Sunday, February 20, 2011

Felt Flower #1

Here is a little more detail about some of the flowers that I made for my rotating wreath.  I just used felt sheets from Joann's and not wool felt.  I have read that wool felt is amazing, but I have yet to find it around here.  Maybe I will have to order some online.

Flower #1
This first flower, is really easy to make but it looks so pretty.   I love it when I can get a lot of bang out of  something so simple!  This flower reminds me of a happy little bow on top of a beautifully wrapped present.  That is probably why I like it so much. ( I LOVE gifts!)

Enough rambling, I will get to the tutorial.  I cut a three inch strip off of the long side of the felt.  The wider the strip, the longer the loops you will have.   Once the strip was cut, I ran a line of hot glue down the cut edge and folded the piece in half, lengthwise.

Side note:
On another flower I tried a wider strip
thinking that it would make a fuller
flower.  It did make longer loops, but
they were too long and just flopped
over instead of making the flower fuller.

The next step is to cut a fringe on the folded side of the felt.  I cut them about a 1/4 in apart.  These strips will be your petals, so you can play with the width and it would change the look of the flower.

Once the fringe is cut, I just put a drop of glue at one end.

 Then you just roll the strip, adding drops of glue as you go along.

 You can see a little evidence of my impatience here.  I started putting a line of glue and rolling so I wouldn't have to keep putting down and picking up the glue gun and camera.  The only difference in a dot of glue or a line of glue is your speed.  If you make a line of glue, you have to roll quickly or the hot glue will cool off and harden up before you want it to. 

This is what the bottom of the flower will look like when you are finished rolling.

Here it is!  A cute little felt flower.

Here is another one that I made in a different size, just be cutting a smaller strip off the length of the felt to begin with, and cutting the fringe a little closer together.

I hope you enjoy making these little flowers as much as I do.  I have made some of them for headbands and brooches too. They are so easy, and add such a great personal touch.

This project is on these link parties:

Sister Sister Sunday


  1. thanks for leaving a comment on my wreath! i really like your felt flowers, i may have to try some of those!!

  2. don't you just love felt! gret flowers.


  3. Those are SO cute! Thanks for the tutorials.

    Thank you so much as well for following Flip Flop Reviews. I'm following you back. :) Have a great night!


  4. THanks for following... I am following back. I am not sure I would have the paitence to make these flowers. LOL...looks like a lot of steps!

  5. Following you back! Great photos in your tutorial. laura

  6. I never imagined something that easy made that! Amazing.

  7. pretty flowers but tell from where to buy felt sheet ,from which kind of shop like grocery chemist etc.

  8. Since I absolutely LOVE grey and yellow, this is my far ! Thank you for your thoughts. I can see so many variations. I love making things for my friends. Thank you. What a great start to 2012 homemade gifts from Penny !

  9. alXR7Is6h2


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